What is INVERTER Hybrid? Differences between types of inverters?

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For solar power systems, the inverter is one of the extremely important parts that you need to choose and learn carefully before using. Depending on each type of solar power system, we will have corresponding types of inverters such as On-Grid inverter, Off-Grid inverter and Hybrid inverter. In this article, let’s learn about Hybrid inverters!

1. What is Inverter Hybrid?

A solar inverter, also known as a solar inverter, is a special type of inverter used in solar power systems. Its main function is to convert electricity from direct current (DC) generated by solar panels into alternating current (AC) that can be used to power devices and systems. household or industrial.

When sunlight hits solar panels, they generate DC electricity. However, most electrically powered devices and systems require AC power to operate. Therefore, solar inverters are used to convert DC electricity from solar cells into AC electricity.

Solar inverters not only convert electricity but also have the functions of controlling and monitoring solar power system performance. It helps optimize the system’s output power, ensuring high performance and protecting the system from abnormal situations such as overload, overvoltage, or short circuit.

For each type of grid-connected solar power system, independent or combined, there will be different types of compatible inverters, with energy conversion functions appropriate to the usage.

On-Grid Inverter brand Sungrow

On-Grid Inverter  (On-Grid Inverter): Used in grid-connected solar power systems. Solar power generated is prioritized for use in equipment loads in homes and businesses. The remaining electricity will be transmitted back to the National grid. On-Grid Inverter with grid-connected solar power system has a cheaper investment cost but has the disadvantage that at night or when the grid power goes out, the system cannot operate.

Off-Grid Inverter (Independent Inverter): Used in independent solar power systems. The system is not connected to the power grid, the solar power generated will be fully charged into the battery to supply electrical equipment. Because the system does not depend on the power grid, it can be installed in areas without mains power, island districts, etc.

Hybrid Inverter  (Mixed Inverter) is a type of Inverter used for solar power systems with storage, combining On-grid inverter (grid-connected) and Off-Grid inverter (independent). Therefore, Hybrid Inverter has the advantages and functions of both of the above inverter devices. Inverter Hybrid will convert DC current into AC electricity to provide electricity and charge the battery or electricity storage battery. When there is a power outage, the Hybrid inverter draws on power stored in batteries or Lithium storage batteries to continue providing priority load devices.

2. Operating principle of Hybrid inverter system

  • Hybrid storage solar power system prioritizes the use of solar power to supply priority loads in the home, while fully charging the lithium storage battery.
  • If excess solar power is available, it will be connected to the grid to supply other devices.
  • When solar power is lacking, the storage battery will provide power to the device load (if the battery has capacity and is above the backup setting during a power outage). If there is still a shortage, we will continue to use grid power to supply the load.
  • In the event of a power outage, the system uses solar energy and electricity from storage batteries to provide priority load devices, maintaining a continuous and stable power source.



3. Why should you use a Hybrid inverter system?

Hybrid power storage solution is a solar power system combined with lithium battery storage, helping to provide a continuous, stable power source for important electrical equipment such as surveillance cameras, refrigerators, freezers, and power systems. computer system, wifi, fire alarm system, electric rolling doors, Koi fish pond… At the same time, store excess solar power during the day for use in the evening or when there is a power outage.

Inverter Hybrid can set many operating modes such as prioritizing the use of electricity from the storage battery first, using solar power to charge the storage battery, or setting the maximum battery discharge level for the storage battery.

Hybrid storage solar power system is suitable for households, data centers, telecommunications broadcasting stations, hospitals, server systems, banks, manufacturing plants…


4. Advantages and disadvantages of Hybrid inverter system

+ Advantages:

  • Maintain stable power source 24/7 for important loads:  Hybrid system stores solar power in storage batteries so it can be used at night or when the grid is out of power; Ensure important electrical equipment in the family operates continuously. The time to switch to standby mode is less than 20ms, with almost no interruptions.
  • Maximum use of solar power:  During the day, if the solar power source is not fully used, the system will charge the storage battery for use at night or when there is a power outage. This avoids output loss and optimizes solar power sources.
  • Not dependent on grid power:  Because there is a storage battery as a backup power source, the system does not depend too much on the National grid, proactively managing power sources effectively. Therefore, when a power supply problem occurs, the devices still operate normally and stably.
  • Save electricity costs:  With many operating mechanisms and flexible energy circulation, the system is configured with charging/discharging functions according to time and actual needs, allowing storage batteries to be charged at normal hours. normal and generated during peak hours to save electricity costs for customers using electricity at 3 price levels according to time frames (peak, normal, off-peak).
  • Reduce noise pollution, safe for the environment:  Hybrid solar power system operates automatically, quietly, does not make noise like a generator, does not use gasoline, oil… and is environmentally friendly. school.

+ Disadvantages:

Many people are often afraid of the cost of Hybrid systems because the initial investment is higher than other types of solar power systems. Batteries and storage batteries often have very high prices, pushing up investment costs. Therefore, the Hybrid solution will be suitable for installation on a small scale such as households and offices to optimize costs.

However, with the development of science, engineering, and sustainable technology, the application of many new innovations to electric storage battery products is gradually helping to reduce product costs, helping to decide whether Investing in a storage solar power system is quicker and easier.

In addition, because system capacity depends heavily on load capacity and backup time; Therefore, in order for the system to meet the needs of household equipment load and operate stably when there is no power grid, you need to be surveyed and consulted by Hybrid power storage solution providers to choose Choose a system with appropriate capacity and backup power storage.

Hybrid Inverter has many functions and requires accurate parameter settings, so it also requires the construction and installation unit to have expertise and understanding of system techniques.

5. Difference between On-Grid inverter and Hybrid inverter

For grid-connected solar power using On-Grid inverter, when there is a power outage, the system will automatically shut off to ensure the safety of grid repair and maintenance staff.

As for solar power with storage using Hybrid inverter, when the grid power goes out, the priority loads can still continue to operate stably by taking fully charged electrical energy in the storage battery. This helps important electrical equipment in the family operate continuously, without interruption. When power is restored, the system will restore its normal operating state.

Through the above article, we have learned and distinguished between on-grid, off-grid, and hybrid inverters. If you need assistance with Solareye, please contact us. Here

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